Tag: chelation treatment | Chelation Therapy and Oral Chelation - Part 2

Medicardium by Pura Vida

A Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA suppository which is beleived to also support the body in the mobilization of soft tissue dystrophic calcium. Calcium free. 10 suppositories per package. Combination packages available. Pura Vida.

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The metal menace: Oral Chelation for heavy metal toxicity

Heavy metals can be a real menace to physical and mental health. We never smell this until the metal toxicity in our body reaches a tipping point, affecting almost every other organ in our system. Often, we never realize the heavy metal exposure we are subjected to. Oral Chelation is considered as a sort of […]

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What is Chelation Therapy? An Overview

Chelation Therapy is a modern day medical treatment for heavy metal poisoning in the body. It involves the injection of a chemical substance, most often a synthetic amino acid inside the body through intravenous infusion or oral consumption. This amino acid attracts the chelating agents or the heavy metal toxins in the body to itself […]

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