Category: chelation therapy | Chelation Therapy and Oral Chelation

How to protect yourself from heavy metal toxicity? 4 simple steps

Avoiding heavy metal exposure is next to impossible in today’s technologically advanced world. We are exposed all the time to heavy metals in the form of air, water, food, products or through other consumer items. Ingestion of heavy metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium are very toxic, whether you experience acute or chronic exposure. […]

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7 disastrous ill-effects of heavy metals on humans

Chelation therapy is used in the elimination of toxic heavy metal waste from the human body. A highly successful therapy, chelation can be done with chelating agents like EDTA which absorb the heavy metal elements in the body, transport them to the kidneys and finally eliminate them in the form of urine. Chelation requires proper […]

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The metal menace: Oral Chelation for heavy metal toxicity

Heavy metals can be a real menace to physical and mental health. We never smell this until the metal toxicity in our body reaches a tipping point, affecting almost every other organ in our system. Often, we never realize the heavy metal exposure we are subjected to. Oral Chelation is considered as a sort of […]

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