Tag: Oral Chelation | Chelation Therapy and Oral Chelation

Man vs Metals: 3 heavy metals you need to stay away from

Heavy metals are things you need to be wary off. It is suspected that people in today’s world succumb to many chronic and fatal ailments like cancer etc. only due to heavy metal toxicity. The irony of the whole thing is, most of us do not  even know that we breathe in heavy metal particulates […]

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CardioClear by Health Freedom Nutrition

All Health Freedom Nutrition products are made with the freshest ingredients. To preserve the integrity of that freshness, Health Freedom Nutrition products are manufactured in frequent and small batches using the ingredients at their freshest. The larger companies that purchase ingredients in bulk, which saves money, then let the ingredients sit in a warehouse for […]

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Pura Vida

Spanish for “Good Life”, Pura Vita offers some of the most unique and effective health products available. Offering suppositories of Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA (Medicardium), Glytamins, and glutathione (Xeneplex). Pura Vida’s suppository form is far more effective than the oral form. Besides, each is designed to more effective with addition of magnesium Di-Potassium to the Medicardium […]

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