Category: chelation therapy | Chelation Therapy and Oral Chelation - Part 2

The metal menace: Oral Chelation for heavy metal toxicity

Heavy metals can be a real menace to physical and mental health. We never smell this until the metal toxicity in our body reaches a tipping point, affecting almost every other organ in our system. Often, we never realize the heavy metal exposure we are subjected to. Oral Chelation is considered as a sort of […]

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EDTA Chelation Therapy: 5 benefits you need to know

EDTA or ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation therapy involves injection of synthetic amino acid into the blood stream which binds (chelates) with heavy metals to eliminate them from the body. A man-made amino acid, EDTA works wonders on the body that is affected by heavy metal poisoning. It attracts heavy metal components like iron, […]

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What is Chelation Therapy? An Overview

Chelation Therapy is a modern day medical treatment for heavy metal poisoning in the body. It involves the injection of a chemical substance, most often a synthetic amino acid inside the body through intravenous infusion or oral consumption. This amino acid attracts the chelating agents or the heavy metal toxins in the body to itself […]

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